PC @quinnlyme

PC @quinnlyme


Heather Briggs is a photographer from Kalamazoo Michigan. In 2017, she graduated magna cum laude from Andrews University with a BFA in Photography.  One of her favorite places is the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, where she grew up exploring all kinds of art mediums.  Heather decided to focus on photography after one of her first darkroom images was accepted into the High School Area Show in 2010.  She continues to enjoy experimenting in the darkroom and in the studio.  Her passion is sharing her story of overcoming severe dyslexia. Her series titled A Stupid Brilliance was displayed in ArtPrize 2017. She also received third place in the 2018 West Michigan Area Show. Her goal is to inspire others to overcome their weaknesses through their strengths.

PC @aaronbenjamin_

PC @aaronbenjamin_